CPBBA 2024 Contest

The band once again supported and participated in the CPBBA Contest and Solo’s St Margaret’s Collage.
This was Lachlan’s first Contest with the Band as the Musical Director, and he did a fantastic job prepping the band with help from Daniel, who was standing in for Lachlan while he was away with the NZ Army Band.
This year the Band was placed 2nd Overall, with a 2nd place in the Test piece, 2nd place in the Stage March, 2nd place Hymn, and 1st Place in the Entertainment.


Also over the weekend, we had 2 of our lovely ladies play in the Solo event. Vickie and Jenny both played in the C/ D Grade Slow and Variation Solo event with success from both.


Jenny & Vickie
Vickie won the slow melody with Jenny coming in 3rd and Vickie also won the Variation and made her the C / D Grade Champion.                                                                                                                                                                                               
Congratulations and welldone to you both the Band is very proud of you both.
Again, we would like to thank Lachlan and Daniel for the time and effort they put into getting the band contest ready.
The Band is now going to start working on getting ready for our next Concert, ‘Spring in the Rotunda’ on Saturday 20th October at the Bandsman’s Memorial Band Rotunda in the Christchurch Botanical Gardens.
📸 Ruth Stamler & NBSB
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