
Please feel free to contribute to our Guestbook. We welcome any relevant comment and would love to hear from any past bandsmen and women and supporters of the New Brighton Band.

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25 Responses to Guestbook

  1. jeanne bader nee lindsay says:

    I came to the band round about 1969 – 79 were we practised in the rooms at keyes Road and the band president was Mr Harold Henry and Geogg Butter was conductor. We played regularly together with the Highland pipe band. At that time we were decked out in our $2000 worth of new uniforms (1972) some of the band menbers at that time were, John Butler and his wife Anne Lilley who was drummer and sister Lois Lilley, Shirley Butler, were part of the drum crope that had eight side drummers,Allan Lilly, Arthur Neale (drum Major) and Jimmy Hill, and Les Gribbin, Bill Butler and Les and Vic Gribbin. In 1974 there were seven girls and a big learners class. A lot of work was done to earn money for the new hall were people collected old newpapers. –

    • admin says:

      Thank you for your comment Jeanne. As you will see in our most recent band photo, some of the players you mention are still in the band and are enjoying the playing and fellowship just as much as ever.
      I did find your comment about playing with the Pipe Band rather interesting. We haven’t played with our local pipers for some time (other than at funerals) and perhaps that is something we should look at doing again in the near future. The Band has a terrific core of young players at the moment. They are coming on in leaps and bounds and I’m sure they are all looking forward to our upcoming contest in Timaru in three or four weeks time. Are you still playing? ‘B’

    • Karen steinz says:

      Our late vic gribbin was our grandad of karen and lynette steinz and Barbara Hans steinz and his son John gribbin

  2. John Butler says:

    I enjoyed the playout Labour weekend pity there were not more members. All I can say is good luck in Timaru, I will be there to hear and see you, sorry I cannot play with the band, I will be with Timaru.

  3. John Butler says:

    ongratulation on your win, new conductor, new blood[as they say] see you now at timaru nationals!!!!!

  4. Geoff Scott says:

    Hi folks, great to see Band is still going strong and a number of you still ‘tootling’ or supporting.
    Regards to all.

  5. John Butler says:

    congrats on winning all at provicial sorry i wasn’t there to hear.

  6. John Butler says:

    The history of this band is not only on the wall of the band room in photo form but is in a book which has been pringted.

  7. John Butler says:

    Well done Mathew, Beat The “Seaton family” again

  8. John Butler says:


  9. John Butler says:

    Thanks for the celebration for Dad we thoroughly enjoyed it, congratulations must go to the organiser who ever. Yes we saw the book and who ever did it needs a special thanks. To do a program like that was fantastic. The work that has gone into the band room was enough to say great job and organise.

  10. Hello everybody!
    We want to thank you for inviting us and having us such a great time with you all!
    We had a fantastic evening!
    Lots of greetings!
    Blaskapelle Hemslingen

    • admin says:

      Hello everyone from Blaskapelle Hemslingen
      It was just terrific to meet you all while you were touring in New Zealand. We thoroughly enjoyed our evening with you. Whenever any of your band members or supporters are back in Christchurch again be sure to look us up. We would love to catch up again.
      Warm regards
      Bruce -NBSB

  11. JOHN says:


  12. alan jones says:

    ..played in band 1956 to 1958…Fred Turner was conductor…We entered C grade Nat Champs in Dunedin 1958. If you have photo of our quickstep …look for for the slightly out of step 14 year old cornet player….

  13. alan jones says:

    sadly your message board seems to be sadly neglected..previous posting seem to have a couple of years ago…hope the band is in good shape…

    • admin says:

      Thanks for your message Alan. The band is in very good shape thanks. We have now appointed a Webmaster to keep things more up to date. Regards Jane

  14. Mike Campbell says:

    Good to see the band is still going…I played Soprano Cornet for a few years in the early 70’s, and my dad was secretary…I don’t recall many names – Geoff Buttler (?) as conductor? And playing with the pipe band as Jeanne says above. Plus Christmas caroling on the back of a truck, a couple of visits to Kaikoura staying at the racecourse stables, a championship in Ashburton?? oh so long ago ..somewhere there’s a photo of me in my brand spanking me green uniform…..must see if I can find it 😀

  15. JOHN BUTLER says:

    About time you updated your website.

  16. David Miller says:

    Great to see that my cousin Errol Miller is still playing with the band and that Margaret is looking after the Supporters Club

  17. David Miller says:

    Nice to see that my cousin Errol Miller is still part of the band – hope for us old fellows!

  18. Dirk Stoelhorst says:

    I joined the band around 1974, started on tenor horn, then cornet. I recall the newspaper drives, moving to the new band hall, Mr Butler the conductor, the large drum Corp, a trip to the Chatham Islands, where I had my very first drink (must only have been 14), with another Maori bandsman (Gilbert Taurua was his name?) Fondly recall playing Silent Night etc., on the back of the truck…wonderful memories. Playing at the racecourse regularly. I have a conductors baton, silver and ebony, with the name Nuttall inscribed on it. A relative picked it up for me at a shop many years ago. Let me know if you would like it.

  19. Peter Leslie says:

    Great to see some ‘old campaigners’ still involved. I have some great memories when playing 4th Baritone. Hello to all!

  20. Stephen Riley says:

    I played with your band on tuba when the band was on tour in Geelong /Victoria Australia. Would love to get photos from the tour .

  21. Stephen Riley says:

    I toured with your band in Geelong in the eighties. Would love to get any photos from the tour.